Traverse City, Michigan – Travel and Lodging

Music House Museum

Enjoy a musical tour that explains and demonstrates the unique instruments; including a Belgian dance organ, nickelodeons, music boxes, pipe organs, the Wurlitzer Theater Organ and a Weber reproducing piano. Also on display are scale models of Traverse City landmarks as they appeared in the 1930’s.

Musical Tours

Tours are continuous during all hours that the museum is open and you may join a tour at any time up to 4 P.M. The last complete tour begins at 2:30 P.M.


– Adult – $11
– Children ages 6-15 – $4
– A family – $25
– Special rates and hours are available for groups of 20 or more.

The Music House Museum is an educational institution whose mission is to collect, restore and preserve and demonstrate automated musical machines and related Americana of their era; and to educate all age groups of their significance to music, culture, technology and regional history.

The Music House Museum
7377 U.S. 31 North
Acme, MI 49610

Visit The Music House Museum Website >>>>

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